Monday, January 26, 2009

Diocesan Budget Changes 2009

We all know how dire the economic situation has been in the past several months. As a result, we will be required to make some changes to our diocesan budget. We feel that it is in the best interests of transparency and accountability to publically acknowledge that we must do whatever is practical to insure financial stability. We are entrusted to be good stewards of the donations we have received for the operation of the Church, thus the following will take effect at the Chancery immediately (note – these do not affect parishes or other organizations):

  • There is a freeze on any personnel hiring.
  • There will be no pay increases for 2009.
  • Any purchases over $500.00 must have prior approval from the Bishop’s Office and the Finance Office.
  • There will be no travel outside the diocese (conventions, workshops, etc) unless arrangements have been already paid for, or unless they are covered by outside sources (grants, scholarships, etc.).

I understand that these changes will have an effect on all of us, but I ask your patience and prayers as we struggle to cope with the economic hardships that many are facing. The Church should be a leader in prudent and responsible management for the funds entrusted to us. I encourage everyone at the parish level to also evaluate their budgets and take any appropriate steps to exercise responsible stewardship.

- Deacon James P. Hoy, Diocesan Director of Budget and Finance

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Address

The Pastoral Center has learned of the new mailing address for Deacon Charles "Pete" Peterson:

Deacon Charles Peterson
P.O. Box 1444
Aztec, NM 87410-1444

Rite of Election

On Sunday, March 8, 2009, The Second Sunday of Lent, the Rite of Election of Catechumens and the Call to Continuing Conversion of Candidates will take place at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Gallup, New Mexico. This Rite will be for all catechumens and candidates preparing to receive the Sacraments of Initiation. The celebration indicates that the participants are ready to begin the final stages of preparation for full initiation and reception into the Roman Catholic Tradition at the Easter Vigil.

This celebration will begin at 2:00 pm and will take place within the Liturgy of the Word. You are encouraged to have a Rite of Sending in your own parish, prior to the Rite of Election, at which time your catechumens would sign the Book of the Elect. Please bring your Book of the Elect to the Cathedral for the celebration.

Coming up at Sacred Heart Retreat

Bread for the Journey
Feb. 5, 2009
Sacred Heart Retreat Center
6:00-9:00 p.m.
Cost is $20.00, includes dinner
Mass, dinner, presentation

Compassionate Communication
Sister Mary Hottenroth, SBS

Never before it seems that we as a nation
need to take the time to be compassionate
communicators. Let us spend this one evening
learning how to be the best we can be for others.

Call 722-6755 for reservations.

An Evening with Blessed Charles de Foucauld:
From City Playboy to Desert Hermit
Twilight Retreat
Father James Walker
Feb. 17, 2009
6:00-9:00 p.m.
Sacred Heart Retreat Center
Mass, Dinner, Presentation
Cost is $20.00, includes dinner

Call 722-6755 for reservations

February 28, 2009
Sacred Heart Retreat Center
10:00-2:00 p.m.
Cost is $20.00 includes Lunch

Pray without Ceasing
Sister Christa McGill,SBS

Explore the strength, beauty, and holy rhythm
that happens in our lives, households and
communities when we pray the psalms.

It is a blessing for all!!

Call 722-6755 for reservations

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Mexico Sanctity of Life Awareness and Unity Day

Thursday January 22nd, 2009 (Commencing the Evening prior)

Wednesday January 21st:
7:00 pm: Teen Mass St Anne's Parish, Santa Fe (see survival guide for directions)
All priests are welcome to concelebrate; Fr Terry Brennan, homilist
8:00 pm till 11:00 pm: Teen praise and worship concert St Anne's Parish, Santa Fe
Robbie Blea (St John Baptist), Rueben Ortiz (Risen Savior), STA XLT Band
11:30 pm till 6:30 am: All night Adoration at St Anne's and also OLG Parishes (see
survival guide for more information especially on overnight arrangements)
10:00 pm till 7:00 am: All night Adoration also St Francis Cathedral, Santa Fe
(To sponsor an adoration hour at any of the Churches, see survival guide)

Thursday January 22nd:
6:30 am: Morning Prayer and Benediction at St Anne's.
7:00 am: Morning Prayer and Benediction at Cathedral
7:30 am till 11:00 Continental Breakfast served by Knights of Columbus at Crispin Hall directly
behind the Cathedral (see survival guide for more information)
8:30 am till 11:00 Conference, exhibits, and talks at Inn at Loretto (see survival guide).
Talks by AB Sheehan and others as well as pro-life witnesses. (see survival guide
to reserve exhibit tables and other info)
9:30 am till 10:30 am: Prayer Vigil at Lucia Cies Abortuary (see survival guide)
12:00 Noon: Mass at St Francis Cathedral celebrated by Archbishop Michael Sheehan; Bishop
Ramirez, concelebrant, Bishop Olmsted homilist. All priests encouraged to attend!
12:00 Noon: Non-Denominational Prayer Service for Life at Inn at Loretto Conference Center
1:15 pm till 2:00 pm: Procession from Cathedral through Plaza to Statehouse
2:00 pm till???: Rally at Statehouse sponsored by RTLSF
3:00 pm: Receptions by legislators at Statehouse

St Anne's Parish will accommodate up to 200 youth with chaperones from around the state at their parish hall the night of the 21st into the 22nd. Call Anton Balcomb 505--474-2919 or 505-577-4634. Our Lady of Guadalupe parish will handle any overflow of youth. (see survival guide for more information)

See Survival Guide for information on lodging, attractions, and other events.

For information or questions, call Fr Stephen Imbarrato 575-447-1717 or Allen Sanchez 505-319-3334. Also go to for the event Survival Guide. For copies of schedule and Survival Guide, call 505-266-4100.


Bulletin Inserts!

La Legislatura de Nuevo Mexico empezará el 20 de enero de 2009. Las leyes muy importantes que impresionan personas que no nacido, el casamiento y las familias serán debatidos y votados. Estas leyes afectarán Nuevos Mexicanos en el futuro por muchos años. Para que nuestros legisladores comprenden la importancia de nuestras creencias, nosotros le favorecemos a contactarlos.

The NM Legislature will be in session beginning January 20, 2009. Extremely important laws impacting the unborn, marriage and families will be debated and voted on. These laws will affect New Mexicans for generations. So our legislators understand the importance of our Catholic beliefs, we encourage you to contact them

New Mexico Legislature Information

NM Legislature Session Begins With Same Sex Marriage

The NM legislative session starts January 20th and we are on notice by the same-sex marriage supporters, they expect to win and win early. Senator McSorley is working legislators and telling them they have no worry from the Church folks, he is not aware of anyone losing their seat because of this issue. With victories in both the Senate and the House by the "new progressive" democrats the homosexual lobbyist feel they can pass the Domestic Partnership legislation within the first two weeks and claim victory by the first of February.

Since last year we have been adding to our coalition and it has grown to unprecedented size. The Catholic Dioceses of New Mexico have also joined in our opposition to this legislation. Now we need to act. I am asking all of you to ask all of your members to contact their local Senator and House member and give them this message:

"I want to thank you for representing us in Santa Fe. With the economy in the condition it's in and being short of money for the existing budget, you have a big job to do and I'll be praying for you. Another issue I know you will be faced with is Domestic Partnerships. I ask you to oppose this legislation due to the negative impact it will have on many of our community social programs...... (if they say they will vote no, then thank them and tell them you will let your church know they support the church).......(if they don't know then continue with...) In states that have passed this legislation (Massachusetts, California, Connecticut) the supporters have filed discrimination lawsuits and the courts have found the legislation to "mean" marriage and must apply the same to all couples. This results in our churches closing their adoption agencies and their couples programs. (Whatever their response, thank them and tell them you will let your church know their response.)"

We need to know your legislators response....just give us your legislator's name and oppose - support - or does not know.

For information on how to contact NM legislators:
(505) 986-4300
Bill Redmond is putting together a list of churches that will send members to Santa Fe to show our opposition. As you know this "showing" was critical to our victory last year and is just as critical this year. Please call Bill at 505-670-4526 or e-mail him at*$e1b64ac0$2c75f004@principles%3e&compose_caller=read& and tell him you will help. We need you!

Please make sure you contact your legislators this is very important.

As we proceed we will keep you informed on our progress and more ways for you to help.

United, working together we will be victorious for the Lord!

Frm. Lt. Governor Walter Bradley